[쏠리드]미국 Sprint, T-mobile 합병예상에 시간외 69%상승
쏠리드 수혜예상 및 5g 상승추세시작할듯
Sprint stock up more than 60% after report that U.S. District judge is set to rule in favor of its deal with T-Mobile
Sprint stock was up 60% in extended hours trading Monday after a report in the Wall Street Journal said that a U.S. District judge is expected to rule in favor of its ruling with T-Mobile.
미국의 Sprint사와 T-mobile이 합병 승인이 예상될 것에 따라 시간외에서 현재 69% 이상 상승중
미국 Sprint사와 T-mobile에 벤더사로 등록된 쏠리드 대수혜전망 예상함
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